Prayer Request

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A Prayer request has been sent


Update on prayer request My cousin Derrick Houston was able to a thorough answer’s on having a heart transplant with the doctors now he has to make the decision to have it . Praying for the right decision. Pam’s co- workers Ms Mann and Twyla are doing well both are back at work Ms Mann is cancer free . Twyla still doing treatment she is getting along well


Pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw nasal cavity as it is desperate needs due to brokenness emotional trauma grief lonliness and loss and heal her hair growth make it longer and stronger and pray she have a good nights sleep, surround her with millions of angels, pray she have more contact with her son Elad, drive away the wilderness demon of suicide, lift up Magdalena Lovejoy free her from depression and pray she have hair growth and pray she not bottle up her emotions and have a good nights sleep, pray Maya Bradshaw contacts Cleo, lift up Cordelia Vogel.


Pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw nasal cavity as it is desperate needs due to brokenness emotional trauma grief lonliness and loss and heal her hair growth make it longer and stronger and pray she have a good nights sleep, surround her with millions of angels, pray she have more contact with her son Elad, drive away the wilderness demon of suicide, lift up Magdalena Lovejoy free her from depression and pray she have hair growth and pray she not bottle up her emotions and have a good nights sleep, pray Maya Bradshaw contacts Cleo, lift up Cordelia Vogel.


Pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw nasal cavity and eyesight and heal her emotional trauma, grief, loss of a loved one, loneliness and depression and heal her hair growth with millions of angels, a healing cup from Jesus and a healing triangle, and lift up David Bird and Magdalena Lovejoy to have hair growth and make it longer and stronger and pray she has a good nights sleep and pray maya bradshaw contacts Cleo by telephone.